Valley Medical Pharmacy 
630 Main Street 
Brawley, CA 92227 
eRx ID#0585957 
1 (800) 322-0808 | Toll Free Fax: 1 (855) 322-0808 
Web: www.drugsdepot 
Timing: Monday to Friday | 9:00 AM to 5:45 PM 

Image 0 of Nectar Apple Ecstasy (2lb bottle) Image 1 of Nectar Apple Ecstasy (2lb bottle)

Nectar Apple Ecstasy (2lb bottle)


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SUGGESTED USE: Based on taste preference, mix 2?4 oz of water per
serving (1/4 scoop) of Nectar?. One full scoop, providing 23 g of protein, 0 g of fat and 0 g of sugar, may be mixed with 8?16 oz of water. Consume the desired number of servings two to three times per day to satisfy your protein requirements. Remember, the best times for supplementing protein are immediately upon rising in the morning, after intense physical
activity, such as weight training, and prior to sleep. Nectar? mixes instantly with a spoon and tastes great . . . GUARANTEED!